28 Apr 2016 by Frank Tuskes

The Newtown and Chilwell Cricket Club has taken one of the most important off-field steps in its history with the appointment of David Barnes as Business Administrator.

“David brings a wealth of skills, experience and passion to the job,” said club secretary Frank Tuskes.

“He is recognised as one of the best cricket administrators in Victoria, having worked for the Geelong Cricket Club and the Geelong Cricket Association, as well as the years of dedicated and unpaid service he has given the Newtown and Chilwell Cricket Club, of which of course he is a life member.

“Essentially, in every sense, he is one of us and it is an honour to welcome him back to Newtown in this ground-breaking role, one which the committee believes will re-shape the way we go about running our club in a manner fitting of the 21st Century.

“Cricket clubs these days have the turnover of successful small businesses and need to be run as such.

“The one thing I see David’s appointment doing is enhancing the contribution of our volunteers, who will be freed up as never before to focus on the things that need to be done to take our club forward.

“So rather than reducing the need for volunteer commitment to the club, David’s appointment gives us the opportunity to build on the volunteers we have and to offer them more rewarding opportunities to be involved.

“As we head into winter and towards our next Annual General Meeting, I am asking for people to come forward to be part of this new way we do business at Newtown off the field, and to play their part in ensuring that we continue improving on the field.

“The two work hand-in-glove with each other.

“This is a very exciting time to be part of our club.”

Years on N&CCC Committee – 24
Appointed a life member in 1988
Worked at Geelong Cricket Club, and Geelong Cricket Association.